December 2nd
3:30 PM Peter Jackson
Welcome Address, Nature Farming History
5PM Steve Diver
Nature Farming Microbial Technologies
6:30PM Lance Hancherow
Fermentation Overview and History
8PM Paul Olivier
Waste Transformation Closed Loop Farming
9:30PM John Mwangi Ndungu
Deep Litter Pig Farming with IMO
December 3rd
3:30PM Joanna Campe
Remineralize the Earth: Creating a Blueprint
5PM Rei Yoon
Farming for Freedom: Facts or Fictions
6:30 PM Gil Carandang
Farming with Nature's Elements of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire...and Microbes
8-11PM Yoshikazu Kawaguchi
True Natural Farming that makes sustainability possible: In the future, as well as in the present, natural farming will be indispensable for people to live happily, and be asked how to live sincerely as a human being.
December 4th
2:30PM Walter Jehne
The soil-microbial-root interface in the evolution, resilience and future of life on land
4PM Joshua Chua
Fruit-Veggie-Poultry-Fish Cycling Garden for Food Security
5:15PM John Bosco
Natural Poultry and Piggery to Feed the Village
6:30PM Subhash Palekar
Natural Farming and Natural Way of Life: Back to Nature
8-11PM Round Table Discussion
December 3rd
8:30 AM Peter Jackson
Welcome Address, Nature Farming History
10AM Steve Diver
Nature Farming Microbial Technologies
11:30 AM Lance Hancherow
Fermentation Overview and History
1PM Paul Olivier
Waste Transformation Closed Loop Farming
2:30PM John Mwangi Ndungu
Deep Litter Pig Farming with IMO
December 4th
8:30AM Joanna Campe
Remineralize the Earth: Creating a Blueprint
10AM Rei Yoon
Farming for Freedom: Facts or Fictions
11:30 AM Gil Carandang
Farming with Nature's Elements of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire...and Microbes
1-4PM Yoshikazu Kawaguchi
True Natural Farming that makes sustainability possible: In the future, as well as in the present, natural farming will be indispensable for people to live happily, and be asked how to live sincerely as a human being.
December 5th
7:30 AM Walter Jehne
The soil-microbial-root interface in the evolution, resilience and future of life on land
9AM Joshua Chua
Fruit-Veggie-Poultry-Fish Cycling Garden for Food Security
10:15AM John Bosco
Natural Poultry and Piggery to Feed the Village
11:30AM Subhash Palekar
Natural Farming and Natural Way of Life: Back to Nature
1-4PM Round Table Discussion
Born in 1939 in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, he is the eldest son of a farmer. His father died when he was in the sixth grade elementary school student and he became a full-time farmer upon graduation from junior high school. As he becomes physically and mentally fatigued due to his inability to adapt to farming using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and machinery, he realizes the error of far
Known as the godfather of Organic Farming in the Philippines, Gil Carandang is a master of Nature Farming and has adapted over many decades his own style that is transferrable almost anywhere. He was one of the first to bring these ideas and techniques of culturing indigenous microorganisms to N. America.
Founder of Zero Budget Natural Farming, now known as Subhash Palekar Spiritual Farming, Subhash Palerkar-ji has helped transform the lives of millions of Indian farmers in restoring life to the soil and securing their own economic livelihoods.
Steve Diver is reknowned for his synthesis of microbial technologies ranging from Biodynamics to Effective Microorganisms, while also focusing on the mineral and energetic aspects of soil and crop health. He has earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Horticulture, began sharing knowledge on sustainable agriculture in the mid-1980s as the Extension Horticulture Agent in Muskogee County, Oklahoma, then exp
Environmentalist, Nature Farmer and Man of Tai Chi, Rei is one of the most eloquent ambassadors of Korean traditions in the modern era. His work is to deploy farming to heal the soil and help the poor. He believes in freedom and autonomy based on zero-cost, self-sufficient farming, independent from corporations. He is currently building a food forest in Chiak Mountain of Korea.
Farming for Freedom
Joanna Campe, founder of Remineralize the Earth, has spread the message of rock dust and sea minerals and their crucial role in regenerating soils and forests, growing nutrient dense food, and stabilizing the climate through carbon sequestration. She promotes partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector, to initiate projects in the US and worldwide.
Remineralize the Earth: C